B2B email marketing best practices vs B2C email marketing best practices

B2B Email Marketing: The Difference Is in the Numbers…and the Best Practices

If you’re like me, and you live, breathe, eat this email marketing stuff every day, you might also be like me, meaning you find yourself some days thinking there’s no difference between B2C and B2B email marketing. That’s because everything published about email marketing and email marketing best practices can pretty much be assumed to be about B2C email marketing…unless it says otherwise.

The difference is in the numbers: B2C email marketers are typically dealing with much bigger in-house email lists than B2B email marketers. Hence, the email marketing best practices articles and blog posts tend to be geared towards the B2C crowd based on sheer volume alone since they typically have bigger budgets and can do more.

But if you’re a B2B email marketer, you have to be careful when researching, reading and learning about email marketing best practices, because they may not necessarily apply in the same way to your world.

While the typical B2C marketer may be looking at email best practices around cart abandonment and tracking conversions, the B2B marketer might be looking at automated drip campaigns as a way to push a prospect through what is typically a much longer sales cycle.

Certainly as social media becomes ever more a part of our world and our approach to marketing, it seems like the lines between B2C and B2B email marketing best practices will blur. But not completely. And the B2B marketer who seeks out and learns from the email practices geared towards that distinct audience will win in the long run.

Published On: January 6th, 2011Categories: Email marketing best practices

About the Author: LaRock

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