All this talk about Content Marketing is probably a) making your head spin if you’re a marketer wondering how you’re going to generate all that content, or b) making you breathe a sigh of relieve because you’re in email and you don’t have to worry about all that.
Ah, but email marketer, you can help out your marketing companion! You have a role to play in this Content Marketing game, as the email marketer.
First see MarketingSherpa’s new chart about the types of content sources businesses are turning to in order to generate the quantity (and quality) of content needed. Number one on the list is repurposing existing content. Yes, that can be whitepapers and press releases, but it can also be newsletters and possibly even email marketing messages. Dig into your own archives and see what you can serve up for repurposing.
Next, think about ways you can help with the other sources listed on this chart. Three of the other four sources all require email.
* Getting customers to submit stories and testimonials? Done via email.
* Recruiting authors internally? Also done via email.
* Using social media to engage brand advocates to produce content? Email definitely has a role here!
Give your marketing counterpart a break by stepping forward with ideas for pitching in as the email marketing team member. Everyone wins!