Revisiting a Marketing Profs article from this past summer reminded me that as an email marketer, you have a wealth of email deliverability data at your fingertips. But are you looking at it?
As mobile usage increases, your email marketing best practices should include knowing the demographic makeup of your customer, how your customers interact with your brand, and what devices they use to browse your website. Are your emails “mobilized” for optimized mobile viewing? For more on making your emails mobilized, see our recent blog post.
Another data point to examine is email-deliverability patterns on mobile devices. By viewing deliverability through the “mobile lens,” email marketers can start to target ideal dates to launch campaigns, and deliver emails during the time of day with the highest level of mobile usage. Examining this data and using it effectively can ensure high mobile email engagement and high deliverability.
The Marketing Profs article compares delivery data by day with mobile usage over the span of three months and found that Sunday had the highest consistent mobile usage. Their findings also show potentially surprisingly strong mobile engagement starting at 3:00 AM (from the insomniacs?) with an increase and ultimate peak at 8:00 AM.
Though mobile usage remains relatively high from the 8:00 AM peak throughout the day, the overall volume of email campaigns declines, so this daytime period could be ripe for email marketing and email deliverability. When considering factors that contribute to email deliverability, consider experimenting with different times and days (particularly Sundays). Let us know your results!