Have you ever read an article and thought the writer must have you in mind? That just happened.
The ever brilliant David Baker recently wrote about the challenges around RFPs, and we couldn’t agree more. A crucial part of our business model as an email marketing company works to help marketers avoid the snares and struggles of the RFP process–and the often disappointing (and expensive) results—when trying to select the best email service provider.
We offer three ways to either streamline the RFP process or forego it all together:
1. Consulting: Our email marketing services are built around an in-depth knowledge of over a dozen of the best email service providers around. We will save you countless hours spent on an RFP by helping you clarify your goals and needs first, then guiding you to ESPs that likely will meet your needs. We can even set you up to test drive up to three ESPs! Can your RFP do that?
2. Online tool: We’ve built the Espinator, the first ever online tool for finding the best email service provider for your company. It’s a vendor agnostic tool that will ask you questions about your needs and suggest three of the best ESPs for you to consider. It narrows down you choices for you, no RFP needed!
3. ESP selection guide: Each year we update our guide to choosing the best email service provider, with over 20 factors to consider. Use this guide to determine which factors and capabilities matter the most to your organization and what to look for when evaluating an ESP for each.
Save yourself time, money and headaches by streamlining the RFP process using one, two or three of these tools. You’ll find the best email service provider for you, get your expectations managed and met, and be up and running with the new ESP much faster than you will if you go the RFP route. Contact ClickMail today to learn more.