About Sharon

Sharon Ernst from BetterFasterWriter.com is on a mission to improve the business and marketing writing skills of today’s workforce with her blog, newsletter and online classes. Her newest class on intermediate email copywriting covers 19 tips and techniques non-copywriters can put to use right away for better results. The class has real-life examples and before/after comparisons to make the lessons stick. Find her class at www.betterfasterwriter.com/intermediate-email-copywriting-class. When she’s not busy helping employees, managers and marketers master their writing skills, she and her husband are busy raising pigs, cows, chickens and vegetables on their 20-acre farm.

ESP Email Marketing Features: What You Want vs. Why You Want Them


When organizations go shopping for a new email service provider or similar vendor, there’s often a disconnect between the email marketing features they want and the reasons behind wanting them. As a company that helps businesses to choose the vendor that is the best fit, we see this time and time again during the discovery process. When this happens—and no one recognizes it—the result is usually a poor fit, as the customer realizes the vendor they’ve […]

ESP Email Marketing Features: What You Want vs. Why You Want Them2021-11-09T20:54:43+00:00

Email Marketing Worst Practices Still Prevail, as This LinkedIn Post Proves


This really happened… The following question was posted in a discussion group for email marketers: “I need to blast bulk emails on daily basis so suggest me some best email marketing tools.” As soon as I saw it, I thought, “Oh boy, that person is going to get lambasted for using not one, not two, but three dangerous words in this group: blast, bulk and daily.” I checked the comments on the post, fully expecting to […]

Email Marketing Worst Practices Still Prevail, as This LinkedIn Post Proves2021-11-09T20:54:43+00:00

4 Months and Counting! Staying CASL Compliant Post July 1


Disclaimer: As we do every time we post about CASL, we encourage you to seek legal advice to ensure CASL compliance. This post is informational only and not intended to serve as legal advice or guidance. This summer, Canada’s strict anti-spam law will get stricter—and the risk of non-compliance will get riskier. The Canadian Anti Spam Law (CASL) was set up that way, to give marketers time—three years, to be exact—to be ready for compliance with […]

4 Months and Counting! Staying CASL Compliant Post July 12021-11-09T20:54:43+00:00

Just Published! The 2017 Guide to Finding an Email Service Provider (ESP)


Looking for the best ESP for your organization? Download the newly updated ESP selection guide. Every year, we take an in-depth look at the email marketing landscape to revise our annual ESP guide. As technologies and expectations change, the lens through which a marketer evaluates an ESP must also change. And that’s why we update this guide every year. Switching email service providers is costly, time-consuming and—quite honestly—a pain. Choosing an ESP for the long term […]

Just Published! The 2017 Guide to Finding an Email Service Provider (ESP)2021-11-09T20:54:43+00:00

Getting Into the Gray Areas With Email Analytics


Somewhere between the opens and the clicks is a wealth of email marketing data you need to be mining. You might call this the gray area, because it goes beyond the black and white of the simple email reporting of recent history. Yet it’s not actually gray, meaning it’s not hazy or unclear. Rather, in-depth email analytics—when done with the right tool—creates a crystal clear picture of your email marketing program, for each send and each […]

Getting Into the Gray Areas With Email Analytics2021-11-09T20:54:44+00:00

26 Questions to Ask When Evaluating an ESP’s Customer Support


Anecdotally, most companies switch email service providers (ESPs) because they are unhappy with the customer service they are (or aren’t) getting. Given that most companies make the ESP switch about every 18 to 24 months, and given that switching ESPs is both a time-consuming and costly process, wouldn’t it be smart to evaluate the customer service with a degree of scrutiny before committing to a new vendor? With that in mind, I offer 26 questions you […]

26 Questions to Ask When Evaluating an ESP’s Customer Support2021-11-09T20:54:44+00:00
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