

Experience + Expertise = Smarter Email Starts Here

Getting Into the Gray Areas With Email Analytics

Somewhere between the opens and the clicks is a wealth of email marketing data you need to be mining. You might call this the gray area, because it goes beyond the black and white of the simple email reporting of recent history. Yet it’s not actually gray, meaning it’s not hazy or unclear. Rather, in-depth email analytics—when done with the right tool—creates a crystal clear picture of your email marketing program, for each send and each […]

26 Questions to Ask When Evaluating an ESP’s Customer Support

Anecdotally, most companies switch email service providers (ESPs) because they are unhappy with the customer service they are (or aren’t) getting. Given that most companies make the ESP switch about every 18 to 24 months, and given that switching ESPs is both a time-consuming and costly process, wouldn’t it be smart to evaluate the customer service with a degree of scrutiny before committing to a new vendor? With that in mind, I offer 26 questions you […]

Don’t Dismiss the Difference Between the Marketing and the Sales Email

Reading through an article on outbound email FAQs just now, it struck me that marketers have a tendency to treat two very different types of B2B emails as if they were one and the same. For example, the article I just read says: “Opens and clicks only get you so far. In most outbound scenarios, the most desired call to action is an email reply—which is the most direct and reliable way to gauge interest.” In […]

Want Better Email Marketing? Read Those Release Notes

When was the last time your ESP sent you release notes? OK, and when was the last time you actually read them? In our experience at ClickMail, we find clients don’t always read the documentation ESPs put together and distribute when offering new or updated features. It’s kind of like the instructions that come with a new tool or toy: We know the instructions are there, but 9 times out of 10, we fumble through setup […]

“Seeing Is Believing” – Why You Need Visual Email Analytics

“The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.” — John W. Tukey, Exploratory Data Analysis, 1977 As you know, we have five senses: touch, hearing, taste, smell and vision. Of those, vision is by far our most dominant sense. It’s also our fastest: Humans process visual information faster than other types of information. In fact, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than it does text. […]

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