Expert blog posts on email deliverability and related topics, including how to improve email deliverability, email marketing deliverability and email authentication.

What Is a Sender Reputation, and How Do You Improve It to Improve Email Deliverability?


Because email deliverability is a big part of what we do here at ClickMail, we talk a lot about sender reputation. Yet is everyone clear on what is meant by sender reputation? A quick scan of past posts tells me this topic has been talked about but not actually explained. Until now… Your sender reputation is just that: your company’s reputation as an entity that sends email. Your reputation is determined and monitored by the ISPs […]

What Is a Sender Reputation, and How Do You Improve It to Improve Email Deliverability?2021-11-09T21:04:28+00:00

Halloween Hygiene: How to Oust Ghosts and Goblins From Your List for Better Email Deliverability This Holiday Season!


Have you noticed the Halloween décor is ramping up? The stores have been touting their spooky stuff for a few weeks and now I’m seeing the lights and yard decorations popping up around the neighborhood. Before you know it, trick-or-treaters will be showing up at the door and we’ll be going into sugar overload at the office as colleagues bring in the leftovers the kids didn’t get. And then the holidays will be upon us…that fast. […]

Halloween Hygiene: How to Oust Ghosts and Goblins From Your List for Better Email Deliverability This Holiday Season!2021-11-09T21:04:36+00:00

Sniffing out Snafus: How We Work to Improve Your Email Deliverability


An undelivered email is akin to an email that was never sent. If you send 10,000 emails and 1,600 are never delivered (because your email deliverability rate is 84%), you might as well have a list of 8,400 names instead. And if we look at the number of emails that get delivered right to the junk mail folder, the problem can be even worse. At ClickMail, email deliverability is what we describe as a consulting area […]

Sniffing out Snafus: How We Work to Improve Your Email Deliverability2021-11-09T21:04:36+00:00

4 Tried-and-True Tricks to Improve Email Deliverability


All of us who work in this finicky world of email marketing are constantly striving to get into as many inboxes as possible with the highest email deliverability rate we can achieve. Getting into the inbox at all requires lot of effort on your part as the email marketer. Maximizing the percentage that actually gets delivered requires even more. Search online and you’ll find plenty of advice for improving your email deliverability, from simple advice to […]

4 Tried-and-True Tricks to Improve Email Deliverability2021-11-09T21:05:08+00:00

Email Marketing Best Practices: Keeping Fake Emails Off Your List From Day 1


Keeping your in-house email list relevant and clean is important. For one thing, a clean list helps your email deliverability rate by decreasing your chances of hard bounces, and therefore list hygiene should also be among your email marketing best practices. Part of this hygiene is removing those email addresses that haven’t opened or in any way engaged with your messages. Many suggest only sending to subscribers who have engaged within the last 12 months. Some […]

Email Marketing Best Practices: Keeping Fake Emails Off Your List From Day 12021-11-09T21:06:26+00:00

“Are You Mad at Me?” Yes! For Having the Worst Subject Line Ever!


I know I’m not the only one who does email triage while getting ready for work in the morning. You do it too, right? Checking email on your smartphone and deleting those that don’t matter so you won’t have to mess with them once at work in front of your computer?   It turns out that can be a dangerous undertaking when marketers fail to adhere to subject line best practices: Doing email triage this morning […]

“Are You Mad at Me?” Yes! For Having the Worst Subject Line Ever!2021-11-09T21:06:27+00:00

Plain Text Emails = Email Deliverability


If an email doesn’t get to an inbox, you have no chance at a sale. None. At. All. That’s why email deliverability is so important, and always will be. The more emails that actually reach their destinations—your customers’ inboxes—the higher your potential ROI. Yes, open rates and click throughs will come into play. But the battle begins at the inbox. There are many factors that come into play with email deliverability. (Read 5 Must-Know Tips to […]

Plain Text Emails = Email Deliverability2021-11-09T21:06:28+00:00

Watch Out for Possible Spike in Hard Bounces at Yahoo!


Today’s Whitelist post was written by Grant Johnson, Director of Client Success at ClickMail. As the Director of Client Success, Grant helps clients become better, more strategic email marketers. While we always recommend to our clients that they monitor bounces and subscriber engagement, there is a new reason to pay close attention this month. On July 15, 2013, Yahoo! began the process of “recycling” email addresses that have been dormant for more than a year. Yahoo! […]

Watch Out for Possible Spike in Hard Bounces at Yahoo!2021-11-09T21:07:57+00:00

Switching ESPs? Make Authentication Part of the Switch for Better Email Deliverability


When you switch from one email service provider to another, you’ll have your work cut out for you in the transition and ramping up of your staff with the new platform. You probably realize that you’ll need to ramp up your new IP address too, if you’re going with a dedicated IP (rather than a shared pool). That’s to ensure that your deliverability doesn’t suffer when ISPs see your email arriving from an unknown IP address. […]

Switching ESPs? Make Authentication Part of the Switch for Better Email Deliverability2021-11-09T21:07:59+00:00

The High Cost of Bad Data…and What You Can Do About It


The size of your customer contact base matters little if the records you cherish aren’t perfectly accurate. And judging by a recent study, chances are, they’re not. During December 2012, database marketing company Experian QAS commissioned a survey of over 800 business executives across the U.S., France, and the United Kingdom. The survey was conducted by research firm Dynamic Markets, and paints a grim picture of the high percentage of inaccuracies in customer contact data, inaccuracies […]

The High Cost of Bad Data…and What You Can Do About It2021-11-09T21:08:43+00:00
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